“What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know it's what we know for sure that just ain't so” a logical statement said by Mark Twain. As a matter of fact, this quote had exact portrayed my awareness towards the affects that Global Warming is affecting on our mother earth.
According to the definition of Global Warming itself, we usually state it as an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. Nevertheless, it’s the phenomenon that we can feel and probably visible to us. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, this mountain was actually covered by full of snows and ices. However, in recent years, the snows and ices were rapidly melted and only left with one last sliver from the larger glacier. According to what former vice president, Al Gore has presented on both temperature and Carbon Dioxide concentrations, the truth is that the temperature and CO2 are pretty stable before the year of 1990 but both of them increase rapidly started from the year of 1990. In fact, the scientists have also discovered a polar bear dead in the Arctic Pole due to the tiredness of swimming for a long period of time and couldn’t find an ice cube to relax on. Besides those deep concepts, we can actually feel that the increasing of the earth temperatures in each year. People are starting to notice that the summers are getting hotter and hotter and it’s the foretaste of Global Warming.
“Humanity already possesses the fundamental scientific, technical, and industrial know-how to solve the carbon and climate problems...” this is the excerpt from Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow. However, as an individual and especially a student, I will make cautions on when each time I will use the paper, we have to save papers and need to recycle them for reproduce. Decrease the amount of times on driving cars and prefer to take the buses and this will save gasoline and help the community to make less amount of CO2. Nowadays, people would like to use disposable stuffs but I don’t prefer it. In fact, they are not realizing that environmental contamination is also considered as one of the causes to the Global Warming.
The rise of temperatures on the earth is witnessing by both of natures and human beings. Global warming has become a well-known topic but most people are too busy with their daily basic and chose to ignore the nature damages which are happened every day and everywhere in their life. We need go into action and try as hard as we can to prevent the global warming.