Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal Malik, an 18 years old orphan from the slums of Mumbai. He participated in India's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" and just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show's questions.
At the first I watched this movie, I was getting really surprised. Most of the production team was British people, but the film was making in a real “Indian way”. And the way the director chose to narrate was really unique but awesome. The film has three threads, the first is Jamal was been tortured in the police office, the second thread is Jamal participated in India’s TV show, and the third thread is Jamal’s life before he was eighteen. The director uses unique technique make these three threads grow at the same time. The ten questions been asked in the second thread lead to the third thread and show the audience Jamal’s bitter past.
The movie uses Jamal’s angle of view shows the audience the violence, the emotions, the realms of a third world country, and the beauty of love regardless of any situation was nicely presented on the movie. It also showed how lives were like the slams of India has - the children, the women, and the heartless adults. The nicest thing that I like about the movie is the light after dark part. The movie told us something good is possible happen when you don’t lose hope. The movie brings the audience into the actual daily realities of life in India and it depicts how people can chase love and in the course of it something good could happen and life without hope will change.