Monday, December 5, 2011

Something About Religion

Since I came to America, there is one thing always interested me, which is religion. Different than America, in China there is a lot of people who dose not really have a religion, but here in America, almost more than 70% of people are Christian. There might be a lot of reasons caused this huge difference of religion between these two countries. I always try to find out the reasons, so today I will talk about my point of view of this question.

America is a really young country, it just 400 years since British people colonize here. In that time, Christianity is already developed in Europe countries, so this religion was actually in this country since the country just set up. I think most likely people in America who are the Christian choose to believe this religion is because of the environment. When the people all around you believe in the same religion, this may make you to try to know something from the religion or just be a part of that like other people do. That is why lots of people in America are Christian, this religion was in here be around people since everything starts in this country.

Looking back to China, China is an old country that has more than 2000 years history. There is not even a word for religion in that time. But I think ancient people is already has an opinion about God. In Chinese history, I think in people's mind, god is the emperor. We say the emperor is son of the dragon, which means he is the most powerful one and we should listen to him. The earliest religion that develop in China I think is Ru. Ru is the religion that set up by Confucius. Thousands years ago, almost everybody in China believes in Ru because the emperor said Ru is good, we should believe that. But this is just a way that emperor can control people's mind easily not let all different kinds of religion develop by itself. After the Revolution of 1911, the thought of Chinese people changed. They try to threw all the things that is from the old tradition (including the religion). So since that time all kinds of religion come to China, Chinese people start to think about whether they will believe in this religion or not. But still a lot of people choose not believe in a religion any more.

1 comment:

Caryn Kirk said...

Very interesting topic and analysis. Thank you for sharing! I think Americans have always been interested in religion because we were founded on European Enlightenment principles of rationalism, so Americans want to explore logical reasons for faith - we want "proof" that we are right, and discussing religion in rational terms is a never ending topic!

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